Thursday, June 2, 2011

--- Memorial Day Weekend. ---

Ahh, what a wonder ful thing, three day weekends.
Not only do we get an extra day off school, but we get extra time to spend however we like.
This past weekend, I got to spend with my darling sister, Jenny.<3
So here's how my weekend went down:

I came home and napped from 4:30 to 6:30.
Jenny storms in and wakes me up.
We wander off to Kemah Boardwalk and Jenny takes her wonderful thing of a camera and have a full-on photoshoot.(:
We go eat at the nearby T Bone Tom's. It was featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Their sausage has become dad and Debbie's latest obbsession.

We go home.
We fall asleep at Midnight, me in my bed and Jenny on the extra matress on the floor.

Saturday went a little something like this:
I tossed and turned in between sleeping until 11.

I woke up and got on the computer.
We got dressed and picked up mah Birffday Buddie, Olivia.<3
We went to the thrift store.
Got dresses and such. :D
Went home and chilled for a while.
We then went to Freeb!rds and split a burrito.
We walked over to Best Buy and Jenny got some music while Olivia and I took pictures on the Mac computers on display.
We then walked to Tutti Frutti, and had some delicous frozen yogurt.
We dropped by Olivia's house and grabbed some of her stuff.
We went home and took turns taking showers. Jenny, then Olivia, then me.
While I was in the shower, they watched an X-File on the jacked up TV in the living room, which didn't bother me since I was happily singing along to Christina Perri on the other side of the house.
And then we went to bed around one, me and Jenny in my room and Olivia on the couch.

We all go to church, Jenny gets reunited with old church buddies, mainly Ginger. ;D
We come home and while everyone naps, I didn't want to be rude and fall asleep on my friend, who was also knocked out, so I just stayed on the computer and edited pictures.(:
I made another Twitter, seeing as I lost all my information on my last one, so I'm all setteled in there.
[ @HayleyAlisabeth if anyone was wondering. ;D ]
Jenny emerges from the dark cave called my room and we watch TV.
Once everyone regains conscienceness, dad and Debbie start cooking dinner.
We take Olivia home after hearing that her best friend is at her house for the last time in a month. :P
We come home and eat dinner, and then sit on the couches and just talk.
I just sit around after that and eventually fall asleep.

Monday. Hmmm...
Well first, Happy Memorial Day.(:
I woke up around 11:30 ish.
I get on the computer until being forced against my will to get dressed.
Me, dad, and Jenny drive down Farimont, turning in all of Jenny's applications that we had gotten earlier.
We go to Taco Bell.(:
Before leaving the house one last time, I grab Identical.
We leave.
On our way to Schlenburg, we stop by Katy Mills and look at TOMS.
Jenny found out my shoe size and we left.
We leave once again and backtrack to Best Buy for another CD.
We get to Schulenburg early, and I can't wait to give Steph Identical.
She was happy.(:
We go to Dairy Queen and sit and talk, as we wait for the going home traffic to die down.
I, being a Lynch, had a TERRIBLE slip up.
I was looking at the menu and saw that they had a Brownie Batter Blizzard that I wanted to try.
So, I tell the group, "I think I want a Brownie Bladder Bizzard."
And we sit there and laugh for two minutes.
We sit down and talk for about two hours and finally say our goodbyes.
I get in the car, hook up Violet to the car radio thingy, and listen to my music the entire way home.

Thhheeeeee End.(: